Aden citizens protest against UAE-backed STC militias

Dozens of people from the city of Aden, in southern Yemen, demonstrated on Saturday evening to protest against the blackout and the collapse of basic services.

Local sources said that dozens of protesters cut a number of main streets in the city of Crater (center) and Mansoura (east) and set fire to tires, preventing vehicles from crossing, condemning the blackout, the deterioration of health services, and the spread of diseases and epidemics that claimed the lives of hundreds of residents .

The demonstrators raised slogans condemning the transitional rule of  temporary capital since the tenth of last August, and demanding the return of the state.

Last Saturday, the electricity system went out of service due to a technical defect and overload.

On April 26, the Emirati-backed transitional council announced what it called “self-administration” in southern Yemeni provinces, which was met with regional and international rejection.