central bank in Aden: UAE-backed STC forces looted 10 billion riyals

The Central Bank of Yemen in Aden confirmed that the Transitional Council militia plundered 10 and a half billion by force.

In a statement issued, the bank said that separatist leader Qasim Al-Thobani came with an armed group to the bank carrying an exchange order of 10 and a half billion riyals, issued from the Transitional Command, which was rejected by the financial department of the bank because the exchange process does not have any legal measures.

Al-Thobani threatened then the bank’s employees with death if The amount was not disbursed.

The Finance Department stated that the salaries of the Aden Security Department do not exceed half a billion and are regularly disbursed through Al-Kuraimi Company, in addition to the absence of any provision for what is called the Southern Resistance Brigades.

The bank confirmed that the disbursement was carried out illegally, considering this statement as a disclaimer.

The bank said that this process threatens to completely stop the activity of the central bank, as it was spent from the general cash reserves and not the bank’s revenues.

The bank warned of the collapse of the currency as a result of the suspension of the collection of revenues to the central bank and the looting of ten and a half billion riyals.