A military commander revealed that the transitional council in the province of Aden – with the support of one of the coalition countries – is going to implement a military coup against the legitimate government.
“The transitional council has ended its arrangements to control the central bank and the government ministries that opened in Aden and then going to control the presidential palace in Maasheq, “Brigadier Mehran Al-Qubati said in a voice recording.
Brigadier Mehran added that the first military objectives of the Transitional Council is the fourth brigade, and if it is able to break into and control it, the transitional militias will go to break into Maasheq.
Brigadier General Mehran said that a meeting headed by the interior minister, including military and security leaders, was dedicated to discussing this plan mid-week ago.
On the other hand, in the same context, several sources in the province of Aden said that residents were surprised by the deployment of the so-called security belt forces, supported by security forces belonging to Shallal Shayae, at all entrances and exits of the Aden and main streets.
Other sources also reported that they had seen military forces emerging from the Jabal Hadid camp, belonging to Aidaros al-Zubaidi, and that those forces had been positioned in the vicinity of the mountain and along the coastline.
The Brigadier Mehran Al-Qubati revealed in the audio recording that the Transitional Council seeks to declare a military council to manage and rule the south and the closure of the so-called border crossings.
Mehran Al-Qabati accused the UAE of being behind the coup scheme against President Hadi.