Former US official: drawings of children recruited by Houthi are unfortunate

19 ديسمبر 2018
Former US official: drawings of children recruited by Houthi are unfortunate

Former US official Francis Tonsand said the drawings of the children recruited by Houthi are very unfortunate.

“The drawings help children tell their stories, especially when they first arrive at the rehabilitation (child soldiers who were affected by the war in Yemen) center , financed by the King Salman Relief Center,” said Tonsand, a former US national security adviser in a tweet on Twitter. And humanitarian work “in the city of Marib.
Tonsand visited the Rehabilitation Center for Children (Victims of Houthi Recruitment) in Marib and heard the stories

of a number of child victims, and learned about the Center’s work in rehabilitating these children psychologically and socially and reintegrating them into normal life.

Al-Houthi’s militia continues to recruit thousands of Yemeni children in the four-year-old war, killing many of them.

Hundreds of them have also been captured by government forces, which in turn are transferring them to human rights centers for rehabilitating and and then repatriate them to their families.

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