Abu al-Abbas rebels Kills a soldier while returning from battle field

عدن نيوز1 ديسمبر 2018
Abu al-Abbas rebels Kills a soldier while returning from battle field

A security point belonging to Adel Abdu Faree group, known to the media as “Abu al-Abbas”, at dawn today, killed a soldier and took his personal weapon.

Military sources said that a point belonging to Abu al-Abbas, executed the soldier Saddam Mohammed Saddam, numbered 17, while returning from Mukha accompanied by one of his colleagues and looted his weapon, in Al-Birin area west of the city.

The sources explained that the members of the point asked the soldier to hand over his weapon. He told them that he is a soldier of the 17th Brigade and is returning from the Mukha military area.

However, the members of the point insisted on handing over the weapons. They executed him with cold blood and looting weapons.

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