stories of suffering for the Mothers of the Abductees in the UAE prisons Aden

Editor7 فبراير 2019
stories of suffering for the Mothers of the Abductees in the UAE prisons Aden

Between the pain of separation and the hope for the meeting, the mothers of the abductees in Aden are suffering the search for their forcibly hidden children in the secret prisons of the UAE forces.

Stories are told daily about the horrors of the physical and psychological torture against the disappeared inside the secret prisons run by the UAE forces in Aden and some southern provinces.

“Umm al-Baraa” is one of the dozens of mothers who search for their children behind the walls of secret prisons. She told us her story in short, clarifying the grief and the pain of her due to the separation of her child who is being forcibly hidden in the secret prisons of the UAE forces.
What we are facing is the real terrorism..! My son was in his last year at the university. they took him before his graduation ceremony. They killed the joy that we were all waiting for.. And now I die of the sorrows a thousand times a day ..!

But this poor mother ignores the news she heard which says that her son had died in prison.

In fact, the criminal Abu al-Yamamah Munir Al-Yafi’i killed her son in secret prisons of the UAE.

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