Houthis replaces qualified teachers in Sana’a schools by loyal members

عدن نيوز6 ديسمبر 2018
Houthis replaces qualified teachers in Sana’a schools by loyal members

According to educational sources in the capital Sanaa, the schools are free of administrative cadres and qualified teachers and experienced, by a campaign of exclusion and replacement carried out by the militias Houthi coup in the recent period.

The sources said that the militias Houthi coup removed all qualified teachers, who are not affiliated with the militias Houthi coup ideological thoughts, and replaced them by followers of the militia.

The sources added that the Houthi militias brought more than 30 women and put them as an alternative to teachers in a certain school in the al-Safia area in Sanaa, the majority of them do not have a scientific qualification and did not work in the field of education.

A number of parents complained about the collapse of the educational process and the spread of chaos and randomness in the schools in Sanaa, clarifying that the time in schools not exceeding two hours filled by sectarian mobilization by the Houthi militia.

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